Stop that serial Please ...

As a favorite serial, we should be able to test our patience as well .. 'Ye High Mohabbate' serial fan. The serials of the lead roles, Raman Balla and Dr. Ishitthala, started with fights and earned many fans with an interesting story like Raman's marriage to their daughter. The film debuted in Ekta Kapoor's production roles and starring Deivanaka Tripathi with his performance in the film. But if the new story is missing in the story, the fans are trolling on Twitter in the name of #EndYHM to stop the serial. Fans are angry about the humiliation of women's self-esteem They are expressing their dissatisfaction with opposing the tweet of the Tripathi to support this serial.

Dear Balaji,

Please Know why and how you started the show..! 🙄🙄🙄Just because you had a good story in hand don’t keep showing us some idiotic repetitive story.! Your CVs have completely forgotten the roots of the show..! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

World is full of bullies. We women can't get affected because of them. We show our worth through our actions that speak louder than words.

So is who's too high on morality to be bothered by anything smaller.
Watch her/my upcoming episodes.


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