Cut the salary that went 3 minutes before

Tokyo / Cobay: World War II is an example of the world's war that has hit Japan in the world. The rules and regulations are executed fairly. However, the attitude of the officers to a sixty-four-year-old employee has been criticized. The employee paid half a cut in one day wages for lunch before the break. In addition to the media, he told him on Thursday.

A spokeswoman for the Cobain City spokesman said: "The employee in the Kobe Waterworks Department went to the box three minutes before the lunch break (from 12 to 1 hour). So he exceeded the terms of the 26-month period in 7 months. "It's really sad to work in government services," the department's senior officials said at a media briefing.

But the criticism of the criticism is rising. Some people are angry with Twitter, if you go back to drinking cigarettes and then check the violation of the rules. Some are saying that if your lady is looking for a toilet, In February, an employee was removed from duty for a month due to the fact that he was going to lunch at lunch rather than lunch.


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