46 feet high from the ground

Berlin: Every married life is a sweet memory. Some would like to make such moments more than just routine. Nicol Bekas of East Germany and Jens Nars are from that category. That's why they have flanced their wedding. Thinking of the typing artist and sharing their thoughts. His help was thought to have risen to 46 feet high from the ground.

If the tight ropet artist drives a rope on a rope, it is made of a cord under a rope made of it. Those who sat in it switched the rings. With the marriage bond between the Earth and the sky, it attracted everyone's attention. The pastor also stood in the gallows with a ladder and made the wedding vows. Nichol Becks, Jens Nars, who married their way of doing so, included the memorable features in the 'Life Album'. It is reported that 3,000 people attended the ceremony.


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