Sensational announcement on Kashmir

Srinagar: Jammu has made sensational announcement about the Kashmiri frenzy. On Thursday, a statement issued against the governor's governor in Kashmir. Kashmir is believed to be the cause of the massacre in the present situation. On Thursday, a mail came to Indian media channels in the name of Lashkar chief Mohd Shah.

"We agree with other leaders, including former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad. A large number of innocent Kashmiris die now. The governor ruled them to kill them. Again Jagmohan (former Governor of Kashmir in 1990) is reminiscent of days. The BJP government has been carrying out large-scale military action. The sector is being prepared to kill the Kashmiri in the name of Operation Allout. Over 8 lakh soldiers commit to a jar of violence.

People in the Kashmir valley are going to be enslaved.Journalist Bukhari attempted to expose the main agenda of Indian forces. Former Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti attempted to pull out the Odessa agenda. The report by the UN Human Rights Commission on Kashmir was noteworthy, but it was noteworthy that the delayed United Nations realized. But this report is not enough to explain the misery, "he said in an email sent to media outlets. This evolution is politically contradictory. The BJP lashed out at the Congress for lukewarm organizations like Lashkar.

"The fierce military operation means the innocent of the innocent. Because people, more and more military and paramilitary forces are killed people than terrorists. At least four terrorists are killing 20 people. In Pulwama, 13 people have been killed to kill a terrorist. The actions of the Army forces are against the ruling elite. The language used by the BJP as the 'aloud operation' indicates the plan of the party leaders towards the massacre. "Commented Ghulam Nabi Azad.


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