Aids will boom again

NEW DELHI: US President Barack Obama's remarks on December 1, 2011, led to a new initiative, saying "we have the tools needed to provide AIDS free generation". His comment after 30 years of discovering AIDS has inspired the medical community. The world has moved forward to fight against AIDS, which has already claimed nearly three crore deaths. The result is that now AIDS patients are called 'People Living with HIV'. The number of HIV cases has decreased by 30 percent since 2000, as a result of worldwide work against AIDS. Since 2003, the death toll has decreased by 40 percent. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 25 to 50 percent of cases have been reduced during the last decade. The World Conference on AIDS is held in Amsterdam from July 23 to 27. A tragic news came to light at this time. The news is that HIV has achieved the ability to survive the second type of treatment There are currently two types of treatment in AIDS prevention. If the patient ...